LEGO Tiny Tributes: How to Recreate Myles Kennedy’s National Resonator

June 2, 2021 Elizabeth Owens 0

Myles Kennedy and the resonator featured on his new album, The Ides of March, are the subjects of the inaugural edition of Tiny Tributes!
Let’s celebrate Kennedy’s steely songs by recreating his NRP 14 guitar on a LEGO piece together. Or at least examine Myles’ love for steel sounds and blues rock while our host, Elizabeth Owens, makes the teeny guitar replica on her own. That’s cool, too!

Hayley Williams

Album Review: Hayley Williams – ‘Petals for Armor’

July 8, 2020 Elizabeth Owens 1

Don’t let the flowery imagery confuse you. With Petals for Armor, Hayley Williams has created a freshly-plucked bouquet of songs that dazzle the senses as they probe the mind. A story of heartbreak, persistence, and release, the 15-track LP walks the listener down a path to rediscovering love.