Inspiring Women: Cassie Fireman Shares the Message Behind Her Solo Project

Cassie Fireman

Today we’re chatting with Cassie Fireman, the frontwoman of the band Dirty Mae, and also a solo artist. Cassie has been busy releasing new music this year, with several singles out already and more on the way. We’ll be discussing her inspiration for her music, the challenges and excitements of releasing solo music vs. with a band, and what’s next for her.

Hi Cassie, thanks for chatting with us! You’re mainly known as frontwoman in your band Dirty Mae, that you started with your husband (we’ll talk about that later) but tell me a little about your solo project under your own name. What inspired you to start that?

Well, I’ve been working on releasing and recording these songs for three years now. My band was on the road gigging when the pandemic hit and all of the gigs were canceled. We were in Maine at the time and moved in with our Trombone player since things were getting pretty scary in NYC. His basement became my refuge. I’d go down and play guitar and write for hours and hours. It felt like all these emotions were surfacing and looking for a new home. Now they live in these songs and take up less space inside of me. 

Many of these songs naturally seemed to evolve or morph into messages I wish I had told my younger self. When I sing them, I imagine being surrounded by thousands of women who need to hear the same thing.  We are brave, intelligent, extraordinary…but we can’t always see that in ourselves. That’s what’s so great about music. Sometimes you can just listen to a song and you’ll hear a story that lifts your spirit and reminds you that you’re not alone and just knowing that someone else out there gets it too…. can be comforting and soothing for the soul. 

What have been some of the unexpected challenges and excitements of releasing solo music vs with Dirty Mae?

Both have been such different experiences. With my solo music it’s been interesting. I’ve never played any of these new songs live yet. When I was with the band, we were touring so we played a show almost every night. We were interviewed in person at the radio and news stations. 

With each single release the interviews have been written or online so it’s a little bit of a different experience.  While I miss playing more live shows, I’ve had the opportunity to create a few music videos which have been super fun. I studied film and theater and have written and directed a couple plays so writing out the shot list and coming up with the storyline felt like being a kid in a candy store.  

Figuring out how to share a story through music and images is a neat challenge I find really satisfying. Also, I love the film crew. We love doing what we do so we’re just as jolly as can be when we do it. 

But what I find a little weird is that even if my music video does well and gets thousands of views…I’m still like “Who are these people that I may never meet or see in my life?” That’s when I start to wish I lived in the 60’s or 70’s but that’s another story we can talk about later 🙂 

Speaking of Dirty Mae, what’s the origin story of that band? What inspired you to start that band with your husband?

I didn’t really want to work with him at first. I was set on doing my own thing. But one day Robbie came over and the three of us started jamming and it felt so natural. We started meeting every week and the songs just started to pour out. 

You’ve been releasing a ton of new music this year, starting with “Chase” in January, “Time to Go” in March, and now “Feel Like Gold.” This is an ambitious release schedule after your last few releases—can we expect an album out soon?

I have three new tunes to share! One of them I just recorded. It’s a totally different 50’s sound that I’m digging and I may release the other two at the same time as well. I’m already hungry to record another album so yes, you can expect more songs to come! 

What creators (musicians, artists, etc) are currently inspiring the music that you’re making?

Lately I’ve been listening to Bailen, The White Stripes, Rising Appalachia, Sophie Hutchings (incredible classical) and Alabama Shakes.

What do you do to prepare for a show? Any routines?

I try to get enough rest the night before, drink loads of water and do an extended vocal warm up. I like knowing what I’m going to wear ahead of time so that I know I’ll be comfortable on stage and not have to think about it. Having rehearsed is always helpful 🙂 I also say a little gratitude prayer in my head which helps remind me that it’s really about being with people and enjoying the moment. When I get into this mindset it helps me relax. 

What has been the biggest highlight of your music career so far?

I think one of the biggest highlights is playing at Shakori Hills music Festival in North Carolina. The whole band flew out; there was just something really magical about that performance. 

We had won a band contest at their sister festival Grassroots in the Finger Lakes which led us to playing there. I remember wearing my big red cape and all these little girls dancing and rocking out in the front row. The whole culture and vibe of these festivals is so community oriented. We really felt like we got to be a part of something special. 

Also, all the wonderful relationships and bonds formed between people you meet and fall in love with along the way are all a part of what makes pursuing a career in music worth it to me. 

If you created your own festival, who and what would it include?

Well, we are trying to create a festival here in Rhinebeck, so this is a great question. It would be accessible to all, dog friendly and have amazing food trucks from around the world with incredible bands. Music and Culture Camp would begin a week early and offer all kinds of music, voice and dance lessons along with yoga and healing arts. People could camp out there and it’s in the middle of some beautiful field somewhere. That’s all I got for now, but I’ll keep planting mental seeds. 

Is there anything else you would like to add?

My Solo Album release party Feel Like Gold is on July 6th, 7pm at the Triad Theater in NYC. 

You can get tickets on their website:

I’ll also be performing my solo music and with my band Dirty Mae at Inclusion Fest on July 14th. 

I’m really looking forward to playing here and respect what they’re creating and committed to.   You can learn more about the festival and their mission here:

Where can we find you?

You may find me on the good ole instagram: @Cassie_Fireman

My website:

My band:

And if you’d like to come or know more about the music and surfing retreats, we lead in Costa Rica you can go here.

Thanks so much for your questions!

Comment below.





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