For any budding musician, their instrument is the heart and soul of what they do. Without it, they’d be lost. So as you can imagine, if you’re looking to become a musician, being clued up on all the basic gear for music is essential.
Without it, you’ll find it very hard to fathom which type of musician you want to become. Something you need to understand before investing serious money in an instrument. Not something you want to do unless you’re confident about what instrument you want to play.
So to equip you with the know-how to make this all-important decision, here’s a speedy overview of the music gear that you, as a newbie, must consider…
1. An Acoustic Guitar
Acoustic guitars are known for their richness of sound and soothing tones. All of which makes them ideal for anyone who’s into playing relaxing melodic music. Aside from their sound though, they also impress in terms of playability.
On the whole, compared to electric guitars, an Acoustic is regarded as a lot more beginner-friendly. So much so you could say that it’s the perfect way for a beginner to induct themselves into the world of guitar. Speaking of which, acoustics also tend to reign supreme in terms of cost.
Rid the need for an amp as well as integrated electronics, and you can soon see why the cost difference can be substantial; parts for an Acoustic guitar also tend to be more reasonable too. So for anyone wanting to sample the likes of a guitar, without tying themselves up in the complexities of an electric, Acoustics are a great choice!
2. A Piano or Keyboard
Any gear for music wouldn’t be complete without a form of keyboard or piano. That’s because, as far as instruments go, the piano is one of the most influential. Hence why for many it’s considered to be the centre of music theory, and for many beginners, a great way to kickstart your musical journey.
The amazing thing about pianos is that like guitars, they’re not so much genre specific. It’s not uncommon to hear a piano as part of a classical composition, just as it is a hit Pop song or even a gangsta rap album. Therefore, with pianos being quite the common instrument, for what they are, they’re actually priced quite cheap. Substantially cheaper than a lot of other gear for music or performance.
3. A Set of Drums
For any musician with a love of Rock, Pop, Hip Hop or virtually any modern tunes, drums are another piece of music gear that it’s worth considering. If you’re looking to get into a band in particular, drums are an instrument definitely worth looking at.
The reason drums are so essential is because they’re what provides the beat. In other words, the fabric around which the other musicians compose their accompanying parts. Not only that, but they also act as a base on which songwriters can craft their lyrics.
Therefore, the job of a drummer is actually a hefty one. Something that revolves entirely around timing and maintaining the flow of the song. All of which means that while drums don’t have the most vibrant of sounds, the drummer in many respects, has the leading role. So if you’re the type of beginner who’s looking to take the bull by the horns, a drum kit may well be all the gear for music you need.
4. Brass Instruments
Now, if you’re the extravagant type, then a brass instrument like a Trumpet or Tuba may be more up your street. Originally used in Jazz music, these funky instruments are typically a lot rarer than their percussion and string counterparts. In terms of price, they’re also a bit more hyped up. However, that is for good reason.
The amount of craftsmanship you get with a Brass instrument usually excels that you find with any other instrument. A perk of the majority not being mass-produced. And while typically Brass instruments are associated with Jazz, in recent years they’ve seen somewhat of a revival. Today it’s not uncommon to find Brass instruments in mainstream Pop or even microgenres like UK Drill.
Good news for any fast-learning beginner, as by playing a Brass instrument you’re very much one of a rare breed. A type of musician that is very often in high demand. So if you want to gain global recognition, playing a Brass instrument isn’t a bad way to go about doing it.
Post by Corey Kleinsasser
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