Who: Wild Wing
Where: WE Labs at the Packard, Long Beach, California
When: August 27th 2016
On August 27th, Wild Wing took the stage of WE Labs at the Packard in Long Beach, California, showed their audience exactly what they came for, and left their fans’ ears justifiably ringing by the time their set concluded. With their iconic punk rock and bluegrass tunes, the group of four managed to remain completely engaged with the crowd while leaving their talent on stage.
As singer and lead guitarist, David Gantz kept the crowd on their toes, flipping his hair and stopping round the stage, singer and rhythm guitarist, Max Garland did not, by any means, struggle to keep eye contact with his audience throughout the set. The band showcased their professionalism and musicianship when Garland’s string broke mid-set and the remainder of Wild Wind jumped into recovery mode, saving the shipwreck with a little bit of poised improvisation.
The chemistry of Wild Wing as a whole is unbelievable. It would be plausible to believe that each member had a soul purpose to be on that very stage, on that Saturday night, making music together and kicking ass. By maintaining the punk rock aspect of playing shows, but also by reaching out to their fans and keeping it real, the band does not fall short to the claim that “Every show is their last show”. Although the venue was not packed with dozens of sweaty people like the band is surely used to, Wild Wing filled the atmosphere and redeemed the crowd with the darling sound of rock and roll.

Post by Arianna Bruno
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