The ReAktion’s Simon Rojas wants to “spread love, peace, energy and connection”

Photo by Jesse Lambert @archangelphoto

We spoke with The ReAktion recently at Knotfest 2015, and now, the sequel is here with vocalist Simon Rojas of the three-piece band.


-How have things been since we last talked at Knotfest 2015?

All good! We have lots of things coming this year.

-As a band that deals with subjects that revolve around global movements, unity, and awareness in order to arise human consciousness in the world, which global issues do you guys have a personal experience with or feel needs the most curing or adjustments?

Basically everything that is happening across the world as a crisis with wars and economic systems. It is all about dividing people and not growing all together; it is all invented by us like a hologram. These issues that affect everyone day-by-day should not exist! People around the world would not die of hunger because humanity is intelligent enough to know how to fix it.

-How do you guys want people to receive and use your music as a tool to raise global awareness and consciousness?

For everything and everyone, the music, frequency and message, it’s all the same – we want to spread love, peace, energy, and connection because some frequencies can change people’s minds.

-What is the meaning behind “10 Steps to Success”?

That song is all about what you supposedly should do to be successful, but you are already blind by the “normal things” and you can’t see any further. It is an irony basically; everyone can do whatever they want, but I think there is a lot of shit trying to blind and confuse us about what life and happiness is.

-Which other bands and artists inspired the birth of The ReAktion?

Activists like John Lennon, Gandhi, and David Icke; movies like The Terminator and They Live; bands like Meshuggah, Tool, The Beatles, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Rage Against the Machine; a lot of electronic music like EDM, industrial, trance and psychedelic – all that is a little of what inspired The ReAktion.

-Who did Selknam’s album artwork and what is the meaning behind it?

It was done by Soki Artist – it’s meaning conveys the connection we want to share with people. Selknam was a tribe dwelling in our country (Chile), and they were really connected to nature, love, and people of this universe. It represents the message of the album perfectly.

-What show(s) are you most excited for that you have announced?

We have a lot of shows and things happening. For now, we are very excited for our show at the Viper Room in Hollywood and the show with Eyes Set to Kill.

-How did you guys celebrate the new year?

We were in L.A. at Venice Beach with a couple of friends. It was fun. We are trying to make this like a family.

-What can people expect from The ReAktion in 2016?

Just receive all the energy, noise and good vibes we deliver to you, the people. That is the idea of making art.

Photo by Jesse Lambert @archangelphoto

Selknam album purchase

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Interview by Leanna Ahmed

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