“Pop-Punk” band Worth Taking talks upcoming album, tours and motives

Worth Taking - Promo

What is the story behind the name Worth Taking?

[It’s] like the Ark of the Covenant or the Holy Grail, no one really knows.

Jerod, you are the cardinal for the outset of Worth Taking’s “punk-pop” sound. Tell us about your experience, forming the band, and its sound.

I’ve always been into the sonic textures of punk music, but I truly appreciate a good pop song. A good song sounds good no matter the style. Whether it’s pop-rock, pop-country, or just radio-friendly catchy pop, I always want to hear something catchy; that influences the way I write and heavily influences the way I arrange.

Along with Jimmy Eat World, which other bands inspire your music?

My favorite band is Blink 182. While I am inspired by them and other musical monoliths like Green Day, I also appreciate bands that are a bit left of center like Sparta and Alkaline Trio.

“Different Now” and “This One’s for You” are the latest singles; what is the stimulus and meaning behind these two tracks? How are they different from the tracks in previous albums?

Those two songs are step six and 12, respectively, in the 12-Step Program. They are two periods of reflection. One is the halfway point and one is the final step. Neither are too much of a sonic leap from previous songs, but I’d say they are far more introspective than anything I’ve written before.

Are you guys in the works for releasing a new album? If so, when is it expected to be released?

YES! Our new record, Hangman, is coming out on February 12.

Are there any tours coming up for you guys in the near future?

We are hitting the road in March and will be announcing dates really soon.

What do you guys believe is unique and want the audience to reap from a live show?

I think we are more than just a rock band; I’d hope that the lyrics give people something to think about on the drive home.

What message do you want your fans and fans-to-be to conceive from your music as a whole?

We care. This is not a weekend adventure for us; this is our life. There is hope and we want to share that.

Why did you guys choose to imitate Andy Warhol’s famous Campbell’s soup can painting for your Art Imitates Art album? What does it mean for you guys?

Joie Brown, who is an amazingly talented artist, did the cover for that. We wanted something that visually represented art imitating art. The soup can is really iconic even when imitated in a completely different style (in this case, cubism). I think that speaks volumes on the value of art and originality as a whole.

What does punk mean to you guys?

Punk is freedom. While punk means a lot of things to a lot of people, to us, it means the freedom to create what you want.

As musicians, what is the best thing about living in San Francisco?

San Francisco has its ups and downs, but there is always something going on. You don’t have to try very hard to find stories in those ups and downs.

Lastly, how do you feel about all the “tech-gurus” taking over the Bay Area and promoting gentrification? Has it affected you guys in any way?

We’d be lying if we said it didn’t affect us. It affects everyone, but I think it’s about balance. The gentrification isn’t happening in isolation. It’s a result of many factors and can’t be solved easily. While the tech-bros are certainly overpaying for housing and forcing people out, I also believe they are part of a wave of technological advances that benefit the greater good, so both sides of the debate should listen a bit more and then we can truly have progress.







Interview by Leanna Ahmed

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