Review: M.A.G.S. Releases Debut Album

LA-based artist M.A.G.S. just dropped his debut album, Say Things That Matter

Photo Credit Dylan Peterson

LA-based artist M.A.G.S. just dropped his debut album, Say Things That Matter, on Aug 13, 2021.  The Buffalo, NY native is a singer/producer singer who was born Elliott Douglas. The album was released via ONErpm and Take This To Hearts Records. In advance of the album, he released the singles “Smile”, “Sunrise”, “Choked Out”, and “Beg” which have nearly 1,000,000 Spotify streams.  The music video for “Choked Out” was featured on MTV and Douglas was named as Five Guys’ Artist of the Month

Say Things That Matter is an indie-rock album with a wide range of dynamics and musical styles. There are two short transitional instrumental pieces, “Intro” and “Interlude” which set the tone for the ensuing tunes “Smile” and “Beachlove”. “Smile” is a mellow song with a staccato guitar rhythm. ”Beachlove” is dreamy in the style of a Brian Wilson song.

“Wait” is an up-tempo song that picks ups the pace of the album. Speaking about “Wait”, M.A.G.S. says “I made the first demo for ‘Wait’ in August 2019; it was the song that started the whole album process. I remember sending it to [my manager] and saying, “This song is definitely going to be a single.” I had an old demo from back in 2016 that had this killer chorus, but the rest of the song was kind of whatever, so I repurposed the chorus in a new idea I was working on. This song definitely went through a few eras, where I was trying to figure out how to recreate the vibe I had established in the demo. I kind of have this thing where I will make a new song and then listen to it constantly, sometimes for years before it’s time to record it for real, and I end up fighting with myself trying to recreate the magic of the original. I had dealt with this issue a few times up till then, so I tried my best to give the song a chance to evolve. I recorded 3 different versions before I found the one with the right energy. This song is one of my personal favorites because it hits at the spirit of what I want to accomplish as an artist. Part of what brings us all together is acknowledging our flaws and relating to each other through them.” 

“Beg” is a song about how the dynamics of a relationship can change. One moment there are pleas for you stay and the next making you beg if you want back. M.A.G.S. says “I wrote Beg while I was in Buffalo visiting my family in January 2020. At this point in my life I was actively trying to change myself and face some of my demons. I could see the results of my efforts but I was still healing from a few old wounds. I didn’t really know what was next, figuratively and literally with the pandemic about to kick in the door. I love this song because every part is kind of its own thing, and they kinda shouldn’t work well together but somehow, they do. I wanted the dynamics of this song to be part of the narrative, with the bridge basically just being an explosion of rage and passion.”

“Metaphors” is another short 38 second transition song. “Bike” is about taking a break to clear your mind of problems. “Staircase”, “Nostalgia”, “Forever”, and “Sunrise” are slower songs with an indie sound. Speaking about the album M.A.G.S. says “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life. Say Things That Matter is the culmination of everything I’ve learned so far about being a human and how we’re all connected.”

M.A.G.S.’ debut album, Say Things That Matter, is available to stream on all DSPs today and vinyl copies are available through the Take This To Heart Records website. This fall, catch M.A.G.S. coast to coast on the What Could Be Better U.S. tour in direct support of The Happy Fits.  

Track Listing

1. Intro
2. Smile
3. Wait
4. Choked Out
5. Golden
6. Interlude
7. BeachLove
8. Beg
9. Metaphors
10. Bike
11. Staircase
12. Nostalgia
13. Forever
14. Sunrise

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Post by Scott Raymer (Website | Instagram | Facebook)

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