Who: The Peace and the Panic Tour – Creeper, Seaway, Neck Deep
Where: The Observatory, Santa Ana, California
When: January 18, 2018
The first night of The Peace and the Panic tour at The Observatory was nothing short of a panic (pun definitely intended.) I had the pleasure of shooting Neck Deep in a room that capped at 250 people 4 years ago when they released Wishful Thinking and tonight they sold out a venue that holds 1,000 people while touring with the release of their new album The Peace and the Panic
The tour package was a mixture of genres from Speak Low If You Speak Love from Michigan to Creeper from across the pond to those pop-punk Canadians in Seaway and of course the Heavy Hitters in Neck Deep
I’ve never heard of Creeper before and after looking them up I was immediately hooked. Hearing them live solidified my need for more Creeper songs in my life. I found myself bopping my head in the photo pit and I like that kind of distraction. The crowd was fired up and going absolutely nuts for the second band on a stacked tour. I wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction for a band that is fairly new who are also from the UK. Creeper ended their set with their most popular song Misery and at the very end of their set a single crowd surfer met eyes with the vocalist and they sang those last lyrics together, it was amazing
Up next was Seaway and I knew what kind of shenanigans they would get into. I had to make sure that I was ready for all the posi jumps and crowd surfers that were coming my way. They opened up with Best Mistake off their album Colour Blind. They also played some new songs off Vacation which is their latest album they just released. The crowd surfers were everywhere and I almost caught a foot or 2 to the face which is always expected from a Seaway show
I’m not surprised that Neck Deep sold out The Observatory on their first night of the tour. The sea of cellphones in the crowd was uncountable, seriously, this venue is huge, ain’t nobody got time for that! ND surprised the crowd by playing What Did You Expect? They also snuck in some acoustic songs such as Head to the Ground and Wish You Were Here which was a nice break in between the craziness of their set. Then something incredible happened, this dude proposed to his girlfriend on stage and she said YES! He even used Neck Deep songs to do it, it was really smooth on his part. Ben hugged them both and they watched the rest of the show side stage while they “closed” with all hype no heart then proceeded to play 2 more songs off of The Peace and Panic album which I won’t spoil, so you’ll have to go to a show to find out!
Post and photos by Krystina Alfonso
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