Concert Crap: Who is Landfill? Can you give a brief band history please?
Jeremy Gonzalez: Landfill is a heavy band formed out of Jacksonville, FL. I started this band because I always talked about wanting to be in a band. I loved doing vocals and my older brother told me to get off my ass and do something about it, so I started this band after he passed away two years ago. After a year of member changes, we’ve finally found a lineup that seems permanent, and we’re all on the same page. We’re super excited for the future!
CC: How did you catch the attention of Ryan “Tuck” O’Leary from Fit for a King?
JG: We caught the attention from “Tuck” because I became friends with him when he first joined Fit for a King. I always kept him posted on our progress as band and he’s definitely given us tons of advice and have definitely helped us along the way.
CC: You guys are still a very young band. Do you take advantage of the advice that established artists have given you? What has been the one to standout the most that you’ve been incorporating the most within yourself, whether physically or mentally?
JG: We’ve been given tons of advice from “Tuck”, along from bands like Culture Killer, Knocked Loose and tons of other bands. We try to take advantage of all the advice given to us, some of the advice that stands out to us is that we should be patient with our material and what we’re working on. With being an unsigned band, we have our own timeframe on when we want to release music, so we’ve been told to just take our time and make sure it’s the best music we can write.
JG: Some advice to some up and coming bands would be to play a lot of shows in your hometown and slowly expand into other cities and states!
CC: Who are some of your favorite artists today?
JG: Some of our favorite artists today would definitely be My Chemical Romance, Culture Killer, Knocked Loose, Expire, and Kublai Khan!
CC: What does the rest of 2016 have in store for Landfill?
JG: In the rest of 2016, we’re going to be dropping our debut EP Coward and playing shows around the east coast
CC: Is there anything else you’d like to say to your fans or anyone reading this interview?
JG: We’d like to say thank you to everyone who has ever supported us. Our fans mean the absolute world to us! We’ll be touring early 2017, so keep a look out for that!
All questions answered by vocalist Jeremy Gonzalez.
Post and interview by Corey Kleinsasser
What are your thoughts on Landfill? Comment below.
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