Concert Crap: When did you start making music?
Verzache: Ah, I started in like 2014 / 2013. It started with mashups. I was really into songs and I really wanted to do mashups. So I was on GarageBand downloading acapellas, downloading like Childish Gambino acapella, downloading Drake “Pound Cake” instrumental, and just putting them on top of each other being like I’m the fucking man even though I didn’t do shit. I was like, yo, that sounds so fire, even though it wasn’t even on time or anything I don’t know. But it started there. That’s when the passion started. Yeah, I guess I started there and then I started doing beats on SoundCloud. Just really sick shit from some producers, like a small community of producers that made futuristic beats or like future bass-type beats. I’m not into that shit anymore but at the time it was cool just to hear shit like producers Mr. Carmack or Sam Gellaitry. I was really into these guys like they were really fucking dope and still are. Their shit is hitting still. But yeah that’s how I got into music. I was just like, yo, how did you do that? You know, I want to try doing that. So I just ended up posting shit. I was proactive and ended up talking to people in the community, online, Skype shit, and yeah. It just started there man. I didn’t even use real-life instruments until like four years ago.
CC: Are you a fan of any hip-hop artists?
Verzache: I am a fan of a lot of hip-hop artists lately. I’ve been listening to a lot of Dijon. But he’s not hip hop he’s like more what’s the word? Like Indie-type shit. I’m a huge Tyler, The Creator fan too. I’ve been listening to him for some time. Sorry, I’m looking through what I’ve been listening to because whenever someone asks me shit, I just instantly forget who I listen to. Oh yeah, I listen to Fuck tons of BROCKHAMPTON. I listened to Dominic Fike. Like just that area of shit. And one guy that’s super dope is 454. He’s fucking sick. He’s small but he’s getting bigger and he’s got some really cool songs that I found. I’ve been listening to him the most.
CC: Now that you have a bigger platform do you plan on collaborating with some of the artists you’re a fan of?
Verzache: I wish. I hope man someday. I’ve always felt like forced collaboration is so weird or people being like “want to work with me, I’ll pay you” or stuff like that. It’s cool. But in some respect it’s mediated by businesses, mediated by the labels, or whatever. If there’s an artist being like “yo, I’ll pay you to do this for me” It just feels ingenuine and like I don’t know. I kind of just have this method where it’s just like, man, if these guys ever liked my music, hopefully, they would approach me and be like, “yo, let’s work” because I almost feel like I don’t even have the right to be like, yo, work with me. But yeah, I would love to work with some of these idols I’ve had but someday, I got to figure that out.
CC: Has anyone reached out to you since you’ve gotten bigger?
Verzache: Yeah, I mean, there’s definitely been a lot of a lot of dope artists that have hit me up. I’m honestly into a lot more smaller artists that are coming up right now. Like ericdoa, this guy contradash, these are like really small artists that I’ve been finding that are super sick. But yeah I got hit up by this dude grandson who’s really big. I found him on Spotify and he’s got some dope shit. Basically shit like that is just really inspirational whenever you see someone follow that you look up. Also girl in red. Yeah, that was sick. She’s really dope. I’m into that kind of music big-time like indie rock.
CC: So it’s safe to say indie music and hip hop have a big influence on you and your music?
Verzache: Yeah. It definitely is one of those things where I will listen to hip hop because I’m like, yeah this bangs and I just like to chill, chill and smoke. But yeah, I don’t know. I think it’s just like, I just have been into that shit. I just been into hip hop for a bit. I’ve always thought it was sick. I just always thought I was sick. I never thought that I could be a part of that world you know. It was one of those things where it’s like oh man I wish I could do something like this. But I started making a lot more hip-hop shit. And in my album, there’s definitely a lot of hip-hop influence. But I definitely look to indie music and having more of that pop indie sound as the core to work around and be like, how can I mesh this with hip hop? How can I make this shit sound cool or unique? Yeah, I don’t know. There’s definitely a starting point.
CC: Being from Canada, how has dealing with Covid been?
Verzache: I mean, overall, it wasn’t as bad as what was happening in the USA. I am trying to think about numbers but I can’t just say numbers more so the percentage is probably important because there’s way more people in the US. But yeah I think we had it really bad here in Toronto like it was really bad until about a month ago. But yeah regardless, I’m just happy to be in a position where it’s getting better now.
CC: Are you looking forward to having in-person sessions with other artists?
Verzache: Yeah, I think I’m actually going to go to LA and do more sessions finally this upcoming month. But yeah, it’s been a long time and what I’ve learned during this COVID time is how to make more music with people in the room. Which is like a different type of skill you know. I’ve been practicing anyways with musicians when I was doing sessions, but now it’s just been with my girlfriend and my girlfriend would be in the room, or one of my friends would be in the room. It’s a different, what’s the word? Like atmosphere you know? And it’s like learning all over again.
CC: Did it take time to be confident enough to have other people in the room with you?
Verzache: Yeah, for sure because I used to have a method you know. When you’re alone, you just do whatever it’s your space. And then, someone else pulls up and fucking error 404 like you don’t even know what’s going on anymore. You’re thinking about so many things. But now I’m at the point where you just tell yourself, okay, I know I make music. I know I like my shit. I just want to make something cool. That’s all I want to do. So if I have any ideas, just put them down. And it’s just become I feel like a more hands-on process. I used to just be my headphones, just locked in on my computer and only automating shit and just clicking everywhere. Which is cool. But when it comes to being in a room with people, and you’re just like, wait one second, I just have to get this 808 right. Or like, wait one second I’m just like mixing right now. It’s just too much. So I’ve learned to kind of get the idea down first, you know. Yeah, so it’s a process.
CC: You just announced a tour right?
Verzache: Yeah, so that’s terrifying. That’s part of the reason I am going to LA now is to start with rehearsal. We’re getting the whole setup ready and this live set is going to be something more interesting than last time. I first toured at the end of 2019 and the last show I played was March 2020 and that was in Florida actually, probably the worst place to be right before Covid. But yeah my tour isn’t gonna be just me on my own, it’s gonna be me and a drummer which is gonna be sick. We’re gonna have cooler visuals and shit too so I’m really excited to get going on that. That’s October, but in September I’m opening for Surfaces so that will be cool.
CC: Do you have an idea how big of venues you’ll be at?
Verzache: I think for my headline the cap will be 500 or so. More intimate size venues which is sick. The tour I’m opening for Surfaces is the most I’ve ever played. Both in the amount of shows and people. There’s gonna 3,000 people I think, 3,000 cap rooms. So yeah, I’m gonna shit my pants on stage.
CC: Are there any new songs you’re looking forward to performing?
Verzache: Yeah, my whole album. I haven’t played any of those songs yet. I played one song of the album in March last year 2020 and it’s crazy cause someone posted a video of it and I was like holy shit, I changed the lyrics. I played a song and then changed the lyrics of it then dropped it. So that’s just jokes to me because someone is watching this video like what is this song and then I drop it and they’re like what. This guy changed like everything.
You can find tickets and more info about Verzache’s upcoming tour here.
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Post and interview by Spencer Bernard
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