CC: Please introduce each member of the band and what they do, then provide the history on how the band got started.
Honor Me: I am Jamal- I sing, write, and am the frontman of Honor Me. Britney and Ono play guitar, Chloe plays bass, and Dominic is our drummer. The band was originally created in 2016, by me, I eventually got my friend Justin Harrison from my previous band that split up “Seeking The Illusionist” to join me and play bass. We began recording a full album after finding our guitarist Alex Funguy. But after a long while of frustration and being held up with getting the music out of the studio, as well as not finding a drummer and second guitarist… I moved to Austin, Texas and rehauled the entire project in 2019. In October of 2020, I began searching for members and found Ono Malapitan first, then Britney Arkin, Chloe Daniel, then the music gods gave us Dominic Neri. From being based in Austin now, we’ve been smooth sailing and recording hits with Cory Brunnemann in San Antonio, Texas.
CC: How would you describe your music/genre to someone who has never listened to you before?
Honor Me: I like to call our music/genre “Soul Rock”, I strive for our sound to be original, but of course influences come from everywhere! With my voice being very R&B and Soul inspired, and the instruments surrounding it, and giving a smooth satisfying clash… Soul Rock is just the best way to describe it!
CC: Who are your musical influences/inspirations?
Honor Me: It’s really hard to point out a person, thing, or band! As far as our sound, it’s easier to say we try to stick to an original blueprint! I have to admit, no one alive creates anything without the influence from others. We literally grab influences from any and everything! Nothing stops us from being inspired to compose any kind of song, we just have a way of making it sound like Honor Me!
CC: Which artists would you like to tour with in the future?
Honor Me: If we get the opportunity to go on tour with Dance Gavin Dance, The Used, I See Stars, or even Bring Me the Horizon, that would be sick! We are a very versatile band that I believe can play with those bands’ style of music.
CC: How did COVID-19 affect your plans?
Honor Me: To be completely honest, COVID 19 didn’t stop any plans for Honor Me! If anything, it gave us an opportunity to make things right within, and prep ourselves to move strongly once normal life resumes! We were able to go into the studio, practice nonstop to perfect our live presence, and in-depth prepared plans for years down the line! So in a weird way, COVID was a good thing for us as a band!
CC: What are you currently working on right now as a band?
Honor Me: We just finished up in the studio recording our very first EP and releasing some new material very soon 😉 We plan to release the EP later this fall! We also have a couple of hometown headlining shows coming up and lining up some out-of-state shows as well. Trying to get our name out there as much as possible! So keep an eye out!
CC: Who is each member’s favorite artist?
Honor Me:
Jamal – The Used
Britney – Paramore
Chloe – Tool
Ono – Intervals
Dom – Dance Gavin Dance
CC: If you could pick only one of your songs to introduce yourselves to the world, which would it be?
Honor Me: It hasn’t been released yet. 😉 But if I have to choose one of our songs that is already available to listen to, it would be “Wolves.” 🙂
CC: What’s one piece of advice you would give to a band that’s just getting started?
Honor Me: The best advice to give to a band just getting started is do not give up. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. It’s not for everyone, but it is so worth it in the end. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but anything is possible as long as you have the passion and motivation for it. You have to believe in yourself and fight hard for it every single day or nobody else will.
CC: What are your plans for the rest of 2021?
Honor Me: 2021 has started very interesting, but we’ve remained focused as a band and have made decisions that will put us at a solid spot ending the year, as far as accomplishments go! We have singles that are scheduled to release, shows in the upcoming months that are stacked, and more surprises our fans will love! So definitely be sure to follow our social media pages so you won’t miss out on our upcoming events! @HonorMeOfficial on Instagram, Facebook.com/honormeofficial, and Honor Me on Spotify.
Listen to and Follow Honor Me below:
Facebook / Instagram / Spotify
Post and interview by Megan Choi
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