Concert Crap: Your debut album is out later this year. How proud are you of this release?
Dimitri Farougias: We put our hearts and souls to it. Couldn’t be prouder.
CC: What can people expect from it?
DF: Lots of raw energy. A subversive sound and lyrics that will resonate with a lot of people.
CC: ”Revolutionary” has gathered more than 2.3 million views on Youtube alone. What are some of the best comments you read in the thread below the video? What are some of the most unusual or horrible comments you’ve read under the thread below the video?
DF: We don’t pay attention to negativity. It’s a waste of time and energy to feed into it. Our favorite comment said “Alternate title: Hipsters ruin island” We thought it was hilarious.
CC: You guys performed on a rooftop helipad in LA for the song “These Kids Nowadays”. How was that?
DF: We actually did a full show. We will be premiering it soon. It was thrilling! We worked with an amazing team that really brought their A game and helped us put together a great show. We had a blast.
CC: You guys are considered a “bi-coastal” band from Venice, CA, and Brooklyn, NY. What are the best things from each coast that you guys love?
DF: New York is a work of art you want to dive into. Play, feel, explore. LA is the grandest blank canvas where everyday it lets you paint whatever you want. We love both equally.
CC: What do you want your listeners to feel when they listen to the art that you release into the world?
DF: Indifference is what artists never want to experience from an audience. So, anything they want. As long as we make them feel something then we’ve done our job as artists.
All questions answered by bassist Dimitri Farougias.
Post and interview by Corey Kleinsasser
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