On Saturday, November 17, at the House of Blues in Anaheim, California, I had a chance to watch a local band called Kamma perform at a local band showcase presented by Breakthru Entertainment.
Kamma are a pretty new band and all of the members are pretty young but they sounded like they’ve been a band that’s been around for a while. They played an eight-song set that was a mix of covers as well as some original music.
They started off with a cover of “House of The Rising Sun” which was popularized by the band the Animals. This is a pretty tricky song and they did it justice, lead singer Teuila Crisp, had really strong vocals and had the perfect voice for this type of music.
After they introduced themselves to the crowd they played an original called “Letter To You”. For this they did something interesting and switched singers around, from Crisp to guitarist Isabelle Anaya.
To finish their set the band played another original song called “Fake It”. It featured a heavy bass line played by Sunny Newsom and both Teuila and Isabelle singing together as well as a really good guitar solo done by guitarist Olivia Dorian. Filling out the song was Josh Solis on the drums.
Getting on stage in front of a large group of people is a daunting task and Kamma didn’t seem nervous at all. They played a really well-rounded set and it all flowed together very cohesively. I’m sure as they continue to play more shows they will only get better at what they do.
Kamma will be playing another show at Chain Reaction on December 9th, 2018.
Post by Madeline Cronin
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