We Came As Romans’ latest album release, Cold Like War, is a way more musically diverse album than I was expecting. The first song, “Vultures With Clipped Wings,” kind of put me off at first. The intro is about a minute long and I’m not a fan of long intros; I honestly was ready to put the album down and walk away from it. The title track “Cold Like War” woke me up and made me realize that I should give the album a fair chance; there’s a little “woah oh oh” that starts it off, then it goes into heavy screams, which leads into my favorite part, the chorus. After listening to “Vultures With Clipped Wings” with fresh ears, I’ve developed a new respect for the song; it was also the moment I decided I like the album.
We Came As Romans gets bonus points from me because they have two vocalists, which I love in a band. Screamer Dave Stephens is not the most brutal screamer I’ve ever heard, but his voice and attitude are the perfect fit for this album. Clean singer Kyle Pavone brings his own attitude into the songs. I think one of the best tracks to hear how well the two vocalists work together is “Two Hands.” Pavone has more of a lead role in this one, but Stephens provides the backbone that the song needs.
Besides the vocals, the music is really interesting. I hear a lot of elements of electronica, and other computer generated sounds that mix with the classic screaming guitars, thumping bass, and pounding drums. “Lost In The Moment” sounds predominantly techno with the instruments backing it up. It creates a unique sound that I was not expecting to hear, but makes the album stand out. Cold Like War, available now, is a well-rounded album that I highly recommend you pick up.
Post by Karen Shalev
What did you think of this album? Comment below.
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My question to you is do you think that this album stands out compared to the other albums that they’ve released?