VISTA is an American rock band duo that formed after the solo career of lead singer Hope Vista. Greg Almeida joined the band and added another member to the lineup, officially creating the duo they are today. They combine the sounds of the music that influences them with their own unique sound to create what they call anthem rock.
The band recently released a song called “Henchman” not too long ago and their newest offering is a song called “Allegiance”. The track starts out calm but you can tell that it’s leading up to something and then the guitars kick in. The song becomes a rock song but it has something that you don’t hear very often in rock music and that’s string instruments. The strings are unexpected and they really help the song stick out from the crowd of other rock songs. Because of the strings “Allegiance” has a kind of James Bond feel to it.
After listening to “Allegiance” I think that VISTA has a lot of potential and I’m excited to hear new music from them. There’s definitely unexpected elements in the song with the addition of the strings which makes it a track that stands out.
Post by Madeline Cronin
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