Remembering Chris Cornell

Concert Crap contributors sound off on what they enjoyed most of Chris Cornell and his long lasting musical legacy.

The moment I heard Chris Cornell’s voice echo through my television speaker, was the moment that changed my perspective on music and what it could be. It was 2003 and I was in 7th grade getting ready for school, my television playing MTV in the background – that’s when I first heard his voice. My eardrums rumbled and my heart quaked as “Like a Stone” played; my eyes glued to Cornell.  At that time, I was listening to boy bands and blonde pop artists that did not share the same emotion that I was hearing (and seeing) from Audioslave. To me, it wasn’t just another mindless choreographed number, another picture-perfect sound; it was passion, raw emotion and a poetic sadness that I had never seen before. Cornell was the pivoting point in my life that created an insatiable hunger to find passion and emotion in music, and for that, I will always be thankful to him.Victoria Kernen (Writer / Photographer)

Chris Cornell has always been a musical presence in my life. I grew up listening to Soundgarden’s Superunknown because it was played around the house and in the car. My dad and I had an ongoing debate about who was a better singer, Eddie Vedder or Chris Cornell. I always sided with Eddie but I think I’ve changed my mind now. The contributions Cornell has given to music have been incredible, he had one of the greatest voices of our time. He will be missed.  – Madeline Cronin (Writer)

Chris Cornell was a huge inspiration to me just like many other individuals. I remember the first time I heard of Soundgarden and Audioslave. I was a sophomore in high school at the time where my music taste was geared toward 90s grunge and alternative rock. I got into Cornell’s band through listening to Nirvana. “Black Hole Sun” blew me away because it was so radically different than anything I had listened to before that track. It was very “out there,” but I guess the song and video’s aesthetic is what really drew me in. The same goes for Audioslave, but with that band, Tom Morello’s guitar work drew me in more. Cornell’s range is also unparalleled.

I grew up knowing him by his lower register voice, but as I got deeper into Cornell’s music, I realized how talented of a singer Cornell is. I was definitely reminded of this when KROQ announced his untimely death and played his acoustic material to pay homage to his legacy. I wish I had the pleasure to say I had see this legend live in concert or that I had taken pictures of him, but unfortunately our paths never crossed. Cornell will live on through the legacy he left behind. This is also another reason why we as a society so desperately need to rethink the way we view mental illness. Rest In Peace Chris Cornell; gone but not forgotten.Matt Saunders (Writer / Photographer)

I grew up and knew only a few songs from Soundgarden from what I heard on the radio, but when Cornell joined forces with Rage Against the Machine members to form Audioslave, I was hooked as soon as I heard and saw the video for the song “Cochise”. That scream he has before the final chorus of the song is one of my favorite moments ever for a singer. This scream alone sends chills through my entire body each and every single time I hear it. It got me hooked on Audioslave and Cornell as a singer.

I haven’t cried for a musician passing since David Bowie. To say Chris Cornell’s voice is captivating is an understatement. This man’s voice was truly inspirational for any vocalist in any genre. I’ve always gotten chills hearing his voice. Now all I have is tears. Corey Kleinsasser (Owner / Editor-in-Chief)

What are some of your favorite moments of Chris Cornell? Comment below.

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