Who: Selective Hearing Tour – Jule Vera, Don Broco, I, The Mighty, Our Last Night
Where: Chain Reaction, Anaheim, California
When: April 4, 2018
Chain Reaction is the venue that bands talk about playing throughout their whole musical career. The Selective Hearing tour played chain for the last day of their tour which sold out with Our Last Night headlining and they brought along I, The Mighty, Don Bronco and Jule Vera
The parking lot was packed with kids anticipating to get inside, plenty of OLN fans too. Jule Vera started off the night to a very receptive crowd, the energy they had was infectious. I wanted to go home and download their album ASAP (after the show of course) but seeing them live was even better
Next up was Don Bronco and by the reactions from the crowd they were a fan favorite. The second they hopped on stage I knew I was in for a treat and it was oh so sweet! These guys came from across the pond with so much energy and a huge smile that I couldn’t help but dance along because they were so dang catchy and I could see why everyone loved them
I, The Mighty had a mighty tough act to follow but they did not disappoint. The crowd sang along for the entire set which helped out the vocalist since he was losing his voice but he powered through and gave an incredible performance. When they played their last song all the guys in Jules Vera and Don Bronco came out for a little pillow fight which is the best way to end a set!
How else could you end the night of a tour with Our Last Night? Well for one you could play a cover of Shape of You by Ed Sheeran which was a nice added bonus to an already crazy show and the crowd loved it because how could you not?!
Post and photos by Krystina Alfonso
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