Who: Trivium, Arch Enemy, While She Sleeps, Fit For An Autopsy
Where: The Palladium, Worcester, Massachusetts
When: November 4, 2017
I’ve been wanting to see Trivium for a while so I was super excited to finally be able to see them perform live at the Palladium in Worcester, MA on November 4.
The first band up was Fit For An Autopsy. One of the guitarists of the band had actually been standing outside the venue and chatting about different kinds of music while I was waiting in line to pick up my ticket. To be completely honest, I had trouble connecting with the band and couldn’t really get into their set for the first three songs. I did like their music, but it didn’t seem to be my kind of band. I will say, though, that I did get into their set towards the end. The last song, especially, blew me away and redeemed their whole set, in my opinion. It was that push that I needed to want to check them out again, which I probably will.
The second band up was While She Sleeps. I could feel the excitment building for them to get on stage and even heard several people talking about how excited they were for them to get on stage. They came on stage and started doing their sound check and even before the lead vocalist showed up, I could tell they were going to be a fun group. Guitarist Mat Welsh was engaging with the audience the entire time and getting everyone super hyped up. When the whole band finally stepped on stage to start their set, I was entranced from the beginning. They were fun, super energetic, and crazy in the best way. Vocalist Lawrence Taylor jumped off almost everything possible, climbed over the barricade and crowdsurfed, and flipped several times, all in the first three songs. The set was high energy from start to finish and the audience – and I – was loving it. The British band had a great sound, one that I really liked, and I will make it a point to go see them again.
I’ve found that when the audience at the Palladium starts chanting the name of the band before they come on stage, the band ends up being amazing. I’ve been wanting to see Trivium for a while now and haven’t been able to, so I felt the excitment bubbling up as everyone chanted. You could feel the energy from the band the second they set one foot on stage. Matthew Kiichi Heafy is one of my favorite vocalists; he has an extremely unique voice and it was on full display. He also had great control over his singing, never sounding like he was straining or hurting himself. The band played several new songs off their newest album, including “Betrayer” and “The Heart From Your Hate,” as well as older songs like “Until The World Goes Cold.” Trivium had a very strong performance, with the entire audience completely entranced fom start to finish. I’m really glad I finally got to see them live because they did not disappoint and I’m already looking forward to the next time I can catch their set.
Arch Enemy closed up the show; it was a double headliner so both bands played an hour and 15 minutes. After Trivium’s set, the venue did empty out a little bit, which was a shame because they were really good. They brought just as much energy as Trivium did in a different way. I really liked the combinatination of Arch Enemy and Trivium. Alissa White-Gluz was very charismatic; everyone in the band is very talented and it was a lot of fun watching them on stage. Arch Enemy is a band that I will definitely see again.
Overall, it was a high-energy show that should not have been missed.
Post and photos by Karen Shalev
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