Who: I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This Tour – Mac Sabbath, Galactic Empire, Lame Genie, Carnivora
Where: The Palladium, Worcester, Massachusetts
When: March 9, 2018
The Worcester stop of the I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This tour started off on the wrong foot. Doors were scheduled to open at 7; when I arrived to the venue at 7, there was no tour bus to be seen. Venue staff let me know that the bus had broken down for several hours; they were on their way, but no one was sure what time they would get there. The bus finally got there about an hour later and load in was as quick as possible, but the evening had not started off in the best way.
The show finally got going around 9, with local band Carnivora opening the show. Unfortunately, I missed the majority of their set, but the few minutes I got to see really impressed me. They had a great presence and I would love to catch a full set of theirs soon. Rhode Island-based Lame Genie was the second opener. Lame Genie was interesting because they just played themes from popular video games, from Pac Man to Zelda and more. Not being a huge video game fan myself, I was not really relating to the music like the audience was, but it was a fun set.
Galactic Empire took the stage first. The band dresses like your favorite villains from Star Wars, with names to match: Boba Sett on drums, Bass Commander on the bass, Dark Vader on lead guitar, and Kyle Ren and Red Guard rounding out the guitars. Besides dressing like characters from Star Wars, they also play themes from Star Wars. “The Imperial March” and “Cantina Band” were obviously included, which was fun. “Duel Of The Fates” was also a fun number. It was a total nerd fest and everyone joined the Dark side during their set. Star Wars fans, get your cosplay on and go see Galactic Empire next time they come your way.
If you have a clown phobia or are scared of costumes, Mac Sabbath is not the band for you. Before their set started, a curtain was put up in the colors of McDonald’s that was attached to a pole on either side of the stage. On top of each pole was a clown’s head with red lasers for eyes that were really freaky. When the curtain came down, there was the drummer in the back drumming on trash bags, the bass player was dressed like one of the McDonald’s characters, and the guitarist was a giant hamburger with tusks. It would only make sense, of course, that the vocalist would be some version of Ronald McDonald. The great thing about Mac Sabbath is that they take songs from Black Sabbath, but change the lyrics to be about fast food. Songs like “Black Sandwich,” “GMO Blind,” and “More Ribs” all made the set list. It was crazy and terrifying and invigorating all at once. The music was way better than I was expecting it to be and the audience connection was great. Even with the freaky clown thing, I probably will see this band again.
It was a night for the nerds and the metalheads all at once – the weirdest combination I have seen so far. I had completely forgotten about the delay and loved every minute of the show.
Post and photos by Karen Shalev
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