Dirty Honey and The Amazons played an incredible sold-out show at Metro Gallery on their Rolling 7s Tour! With a wonderful mix of both old rock and roll and new alt-rock, this duo blew away the people of Baltimore.
This may have been the first time The Amazons have toured in the US, but it seems that their name and music have made it across the pond, as there were quite a few fans of theirs in the crowd! They opened with their song “Fuzzy Tree“, immediately capturing the crowd’s attention. They built up a great rapport with the audience right off the bat, and when people in the crowd wanted the music to be even louder, The Amazons obliged, promising to give the people a “good f***ing show!”
The Amazons did what every good opener should be able to do, and that was to get the fans of the main act hooked on their music. And they definitely achieved that, especially when they played their hit song “Black Magic“, which had everyone in the building headbanging along to their explosive finale.
By the time Dirty Honey hit the stage, the room was packed and sweaty and everyone was buzzing with excitement. Dirty Honey rocked the room with incredible music and some of the wildest hair you’ve ever seen! One song, in particular, was a major hit with all the ladies in the crowd, and that was “Heartbreaker” which had everyone singing along as loud as they could.
What Dirty Honey did best, though, were all the amazing solos sprinkled throughout their set. The drum and guitar solos were spectacular, but I was particularly blown away by Justin Smolian’s phenomenal bass solo! Their show brought the love of rock and roll back to Baltimore, and it was perfectly encapsulated by their final song, “Rolling 7s“.
Dirty Honey and The Amazons both put on an amazing show, and perfectly blended together an older and newer generation of rock, one that anyone, regardless of age, could enjoy!
Check out ‘Introducing… The Amazons‘, an incredible introduction to The Amazon’s music, featuring songs from their first two albums!
Check out Dirty Honey’s self-titled EP, Dirty Honey and be sure to keep an eye out for new music from them!
Post and photos by Taylor Pettitt (Website | Twitter | Instagram)
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