Who: Doomsday Tour: Architects, Stick To Your Guns, Counterparts
Where: Alamo City Music Hall – San Antonio, TX
When: March 14, 2018
When the Doomsday Tour was announced, many fans were thrilled that Architects would be coming back to North America. San Antonio was lucky enough to be one of the cities included on this tour and last year’s All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us Tour. The tour consisted of Architects, Stick To Your Guns, and Counterparts. It was the second to last show of the tour, but things appeared as if they were just getting started.
Hailing from Canada, the hardcore heroes in Counterparts started off the night with a strong presence. They kicked things off with their hit “Bouquet” off of their latest album You’re Not You Anymore. The band evoked many memories in myself and others as they played other emotional songs, including “Witness” and “Haunt Me.” You could hear the entire crowd chant “I fucking hate the world, I fucking hate myself” when they ended their set with “The Disconnect” – the song that many would say started their following of the band.
Stick To Your Guns was up next, and the crowd was clearly excited. Anyone who has been to an STYG show in the past knows just how energetic and lively their performances are, and this night was no different. The band has been together for years, but are pushing forward more than ever. They recently released their 6th studio album, True View, and have been on the grind since. Between playing this past year’s Vans Warped Tour, and supporting Parkway Drive later this spring, the band is not stopping anytime soon. Guitarists Josh James and Chris Rawson were sure to provide what they’re known for- constant jumps and crazy faces. Lead singer Jesse Barnett could be seen running from side to side on the stage and giving the crowd a show. The crowd surfers came one after another, and the mosh never stopped.
The lights darkened and the room was in unity with anticipation. After a couple minutes, Architects appeared and they hit the ground running as they started off with their hit “A Match Made in Heaven.” Lead vocalist Sam Carter was sure to crouch down to give photographers some really great up close shots, as well as be on eye level with the audience as he screamed into his mic. The passion in this band exceeds many others, and it shows in their performances. In 2016, guitarist Tom Searle passed away and it rocked the entire metal music community. Sam spoke to the crowd and stated that Tom would not believe the shows that they were playing if he were still with them. The crowd got emotional along with the band, and sang extra loudly for Tom during the encore. The band ended with “Gone With the Wind,” but not before playing other favorites such as “Naysayer” and “These Colours Don’t Run.”
All three of these bands have consistently produced quality albums and are always touring to make sure fans can hear their music live. If any of the bands on this tour package come to your city, be sure to attend because it will be an incredible experience.
Post and photos by Megan Choi
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