Photos: Godsmack at Cool Insuring Arena in New York

Who: Godsmack

Where: Cool Insuring Arena, Glens Falls, New York

When: July 21, 2019 

Rock band Godsmack came to visit their Upstate New York fans after several years of not playing there. On Sunday night, the band played at Cool Insuring Arena (formally the Civic Center) in Glens Falls, New York. Female-fronted rock band New Years Day opened the night up for them.

As the curtain fell at 9:15 pm that night, fans cheered excitedly as Godsmack began to play “When Legends Rise”, the opening track and title of their newest studio album. The drum set, upon a riser, spun around in circles as the band began to play the song. The production lighting was beautifully designed, moving around throughout their set and making for a great light show.

The night consisted of a bunch of new songs from “When Legends Rise”, and a lot of older Godsmack music as well. The energy was high, and you could really feel it from the photo pit. Every member of the band engaged with the crowd, and the photographers. What really made the night special was when lead singer Sully Erna invited all of the photographers to shoot the entire set from the photo pit after the first three songs that the band performed had ended. That is definitely something rare for photographers to be allowed to do, let alone even be acknowledged by a band. Hats off to you, Godsmack.

Post and photos by Brooke Champine

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