Blink 182 @ KROQ Weenie Roast 2016
Imagine this, it’s the final phase of social distancing, and large gatherings, aka CONCERTS are allowed again. You are going to your first concert tonight. You have been looking forward to this event ever since you heard that you can finally go to a show. It’s a tad bit early in the day, but screw it! It’s never too early to get ready for a night of memories. The outfit you’ve been planning to wear to your first show is finally on your body and you are pumped. The only problem, you still have an hour before it’s time to leave. You spend that time blasting music and doing your favorite “at home” dance grooves that you learned oh so well during quarantine.
“Ok, can we go yet?!” is the only thing that is repeating in your head. FINALLY, it’s time to head out to the show.
You’re sitting in the car. The anticipation is so strong, you might as well be waiting for one of the biggest moments of your life. You try to listen to music to calm your nerves, but who are you kidding…when was the last time you actually were able to go to a show?
It’s finally time. You exit the freeway and the venue is within miles. “Does anyone have cash for parking?” The first question that truly begins the quest for live music after quarantine. Once the cash is established, and the car is parked, it’s time. It’s time to create your first true music memory after being stuck at home.
You are walking to the venue. “Does everyone have their IDs?” The common question that most people laugh at, but gives some people that great “oh shit!” moment. Once it’s established within the group that everyone is ready to get inside, you feel the butterflies begin in your stomach. You and your friends finally approach the venue. You stare at the lights in awe. Of course, you have to get the picture of the show you are seeing posted on the venue. (I mean, it’s 2020. Pics or it didn’t happen).
It’s really time! You are standing in line. Everyone is so talkative with each other from missing human interaction with strangers that share the same passions as you. After exchanging names with the group behind you, the bouncer checks your ID and ticket. You are finally taking your first steps inside a concert venue. Once you step inside, instead of heading straight for the bathroom or the bar (like you normally would), you just stand there and take everything in. All around you are friends with smiles on their faces. People wearing full-on band merch while talking about their favorite thing the concert artist did during quarantine. There is even that person that is way too drunk too early, but instead of laughing at them, or calling them a rookie, you just smile and think “I’m glad they are having a good time”. After taking it all in, you finally get your first drink and head to the stage.
The venue is packed already. People have been waiting outside since early in the day to bond with their fellow music family and get that perfect spot to watch the show. While you get comfortable in your spot to watch from, you hear the opening act doing their soundcheck. You feel a shiver up your spine whenever the guitar tech plays a chord. You are settled in and ready for the opener to begin. The moment they start playing, every single person in the crowd has the biggest smile on their face. Usually, when you see an opener, there are a few fans that dance around, but tonight is different. Everyone starts dancing the second the music begins. You are finally in your happy place.
The 30-minute set goes by so quickly. It’s time to grab one more drink before the main act. As you are walking around, you notice that the vibe in the venue is much friendlier than normal. Not that they weren’t friendly before, but tonight is different. Everyone wants to talk to each other. Everyone seems to have everyone’s best interests in mind. You grab your drink, and you are ready for the main act to begin.
Incubus @ The Santa Barbara Bowl 2019
As you stand in the crowd, they lower the lights, and you know they are ready for showtime. The band plays their production intro, and the crowd is louder than you have ever heard before. The band enters the stage and the crowd roars. The energy is so intense, the band has to have an extra moment to take it all in. The singer announces “Thank you insert city here” and everyone loses it. This is the moment you have been waiting for. You feel the adrenaline rush that you have been craving, and the music begins.
As the band plays their first song, everyone in the crowd puts their arms around each other and jumps to the beat of the music. Tonight, we are all one. We are all here because music is our escape, and the crowd is ready to get lost in the music.
The band starts to pick up even more, and the mosh pit starts. Everyone is running around and pushing each other, with giant smiles all around. The crowd is electric. You feel so ecstatic being amongst the group of concert-goers. The music is so loud, the beat pulses through your body. How did you go months without this?
The band comes on for their encore performance, and you are shocked that the night is coming to an end already. Didn’t the show start just start 20 minutes ago? It’s the prime reason the saying “time goes by when you’re having fun” was invented. You sing the last song at the top of your lungs while the singer crowd surfs over you. This is what you live for. You are one with music lovers, the artist, and best yet, yourself.
As the band does their final bows and throws picks, drum sticks, and setlists to the crowd, you give your final cheers and say your goodbyes to the people that were around you. What a night. You were so invested in the show and being in the moment, that you completely forgot to take your phone out the entire time. Everyone there was fully present and living in the moment.
You and your group get ready to head out…maybe get a street dog or two. As you walk back to the car, no one can stop talking about the show. It was really a night to remember. Once you get settled on the freeway and you know your way around, you start playing music from the show that you just heard. Everyone is screaming and talking about their favorite moments. Once you get home, everyone says their goodbyes, and you are left with the concert fulfillment that was missing.
Dillon Francis @ The Fonda Theatre 2013
Concerts are our escape. When we are at a show, we are singing, dancing, and screaming the stresses of our daily lives away. The connection that music fans feel with the music and their fellow concert attendees is something truly special. I hope that this can help people get even more excited about that first show they attend. When the love that we feel for music can be shared amongst people, amazing things can happen.
I’m ready to put my devil horns up! Rock on.
Post by Ali Nast
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