Interview: Wage War talk Warped Tour, New Album “Deadweight”

Photo by Brooke Champine

Recently I interviewed Briton Bond, lead singer of Wage War. Wage War is a metal band from Ocala, FL. You can find them on the final cross-country run of  Vans Warped Tour this Summer.

How did you get the attention of and sign to Fearless Records?

We had a song we had previously recorded for an EP that never got released. We sent in the song and Fearless really dug it so it kind of blossomed from there. The song we sent was an early version of Basic Hate.

What is your specific writing process like when making new music?

Well Cody, the guitarist/vocals, is a great songwriter. He usually puts together a rough demo for a song and we all give our inputs and change things from there. Sometimes we will take an idea we have and write a song about it.

Who are some of your biggest influences?

Some of my biggest influences are bands like Deftones, Slipknot, Metallica and anything with good riffs. A lot of us in the band are big country music fans also.

What are your best memories as a band that you can share? Maybe your favorite tour memory or story?

I feel like every time we go on a tour we always try to do something that is really memorable. One of my favorite memories is seeing the Grand Canyon. It’s crazy how small that place can make you feel.

If you could switch places with any member in the band for a day, who would it be and why?

Probably Stephen! That dude is a machine on drums. I feel like his performances are pretty flawless. He is a master of his craft.

You recently dropped the music video for “Gravity” — what was the filming process like and where did you get inspiration for the video?

The filming process was a bit of a doozy. We did a rain effect for the video and it was so cold outside when we did it. I’ve never been so cold in my life! I think we have always thought a video with a reverse rain effect would be tight.

What is your favorite song off Deadweight?

My favorite song off of Deadweight is probably Johnny Cash. It is just raw emotion and it’s very fun performing it because it’s like a roller coaster with all the heavy and light parts.

What are your hopes for Wage War in the future?

Hopefully, we put out another record next year and keep the ball rolling. I know we have some new ideas for our next record and we are trying to evolve as a band.

You recently announced that you are going to be on the final full cross-country run of the Vans Warped Tour, what does that mean to you, and who are you most excited to see play on the tour?

I feel very honored that we are on the last cross-country run. I remember being a kid and dreaming I’d play Warped one day. I’ll probably end up watching Every Time I Die every day of the tour. Those guys rip. If you have never seen them you definitely should. No one compares with the energy they bring.

Post, interview and photos by Brooke Champine

Are you going to see Wage War this Summer? Comment below.

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