Concert Crap: You are releasing your newest album Seasons on October 5. In comparison to releasing your last album, HELP! in 2016, how has the process been this time around?
Jayden Panesso: I guess this time around, the whole process was less stressful in a lot of ways, but it also had its own moments of panic, you know? I feel so much more mature as artists, and I just really feel like the progress from Help!to now is clearly noticeable. October 5th can’t come soon enough.
CC: What are some themes on this album that may take a few listens to pick up?
JP: I took a very straightforward approach with the lyrics this time around. I wanted the feeling to be crystal clear. The album goes through its own set of motions. Seasons doesn’t cater to just one feeling, it illustrates the changes we all feel as humans. How one day we can feel like we’re on top of the world, and then it changes in one breath. We all go through it.
CC: “All or Nothing” and “No Way” off Seasons have already been released and the two songs have their own distinct personalities. What kind of sound does the album have as a whole?
JP: The album is a journey of its own because every song is different. I really wanted to show every different aspect of our band, and how we can express our emotions in different ways through music. I think some would be shocked to hear a song like “sickminded,” which is one of our strong lyrical ballads, more on the slower side. To then hear our song “SHOOK!” which is a straight sing along, bright, in your face type song. I strongly believe that’s the beauty behind this record.
CC: You will be out on tour this fall supporting Beartooth and Knocked Loose. For someone who has never seen you before, what is the best part of a Sylar set?
JP: We’re very excited to be supporting Beartooth this fall, they’re our great friends, and it’s going to be an unforgettable tour. We always bring our A+ game on stage. We give it 150%, and you can tell by the energy that soars through the room when we perform. At times you also feel like you’re not at your typical rock show. I believe we stand out on every tour we do, but I’ll let the new attendee be the judge of that!
CC: Will the setlist be mostly new songs off Seasons? Are you going to be performing one setlist the entire tour or will you be changing it up?
JP: I like mixing up our set lists because I love to also think of the fans who have stuck around with us and want to listen to one of their favorite older Sylar songs. There will be a mixture of our discography while also focusing strongly on Seasons.
CC: Do you have anything else that you would like to add?
JP: This record is beyond special to us all. We want everyone who listens to the record to really take the time out to digest it and listen to what we’re saying. I wanted to say more, by saying less.
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Post and interview by Karen Shalev
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