Concert Crap: You guys are gearing up to release your EP Kid July 20. You’ve already released “Thirty-Six” and “Magnolia.” Why those two?
Landon Jones: We are! And we are very excited about it. ‘Thirty-Six’ and ‘Magnolia’ were the first two singles released, which we chose specifically because we felt they offered enough variety between them to really help give you an idea of who we are as a band. Just about every song on the EP has a completely different vibe than the one before it though, so you should still definitely expect to hear something different from what you’ve already heard when the EP drops.
CC: What’s something on the album listeners should try to pick up on?
LJ: One thing a lot of listeners might not notice on their first few passes is the overall theme that exists throughout our songs. We named the EP ‘Kid’ because nearly every song on it personifies things we felt, saw, or experienced when we were young. However, as we grew older we started to see the world through different eyes- we came to realize just how cruel time really is. ‘Kid’ is about confronting your feelings, and learning how to let go, how to change, and how to grow into the person you want to be before your time is up. Once you know this about the EP, the whole thing kind of takes on a whole new meaning which I think is pretty cool.
CC: What’s something unexpected that made its way into the album?
LJ: Okay, yeah. So this was kind of cool. Right when our buddy Lee finished working on Mourning View, it immediately started pouring rain outside his house. With that being the most emotional song on our EP, he decided to open up his window and actually record the sound of the rain. So the rain you hear at the end of the song got recorded super last minute and had not been planned on at all.
CC: Any tour plans?
LJ: We don’t have any tours to announce just yet, but you can expect to see us on the road by the end of 2017.
CC: Do you have anything else to add to this interview?
LJ: We wanted to thank you guys for reaching out to us with these questions and helping people get to know the band a little bit more. And another thanks to everyone who has liked, shared, or commented on our pages so far. Be sure to pick up a copy of the EP when it drops July 20th and share it around with all your friends!
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Post by Karen Shalev
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