Jerry Jones: I actually never pictured it coming together. I thought of it more like a side project thing while I was wrapping up my other band’s (Trophy Scars) last record. It was one of the craziest introductions into a music project I’ve ever been involved with. I pretty much went to a studio, met the dudes in the band, got drunk and recorded some vocals on top an instrumental demo. Then, after two or three awkward hours, they asked me what days were good to practice and now we’re here. Five years later, that same studio is still our rehearsal space, we’ve put out two EPs and one LP, Jesse and I are the only original members, and we feel like we’ve only gotten started. Harshly contrary to how I pictured this coming together.
CC: This album came together in no less a boring manner than the band. What made you decide to trap yourselves in a cabin in the middle of nowhere?
JJ: Isolation from all superficial distractions. It was an opportunity to really go far out and experiment with sound and recording techniques. It was a place where the mind could manifest and feel really healthy without any judgement or societal pressure. It helped us create texture and shove away boundaries.
What can we expect to see at your live shows?
JJ: Us playing tight, having fun, and really flaunting psychedelic sleaze to the maximum. Some nights we’ll have the stage dressed like a jungle. Some nights we might have a B-horror film projected behind us. Some nights we dress fancy. Some nights we don’t. Some nights we are accompanied by a DJ (DJDLJ) who has curated the perfect mood music before you lose your mind into the aural hypnosis of Super Snake. You never know what you’re going to get. I like the unpredictable nature of a Snake show because it keeps everything fresh.
You’re currently working on your next album – is the process for it so far the same as Leap of Love?
JJ: Not really. We have a new drummer (Nick Del Virginia) who’s got a different style that completely meshes with our current brand of writing. It’s a little more stripped down and more about writing songs rather than parts. With Leap of Love we really focused on these massive riffs and then wrote around them. This time we are writing “big” sounding songs and layering them with ear candy. There’s a lot more focus on dynamics – Leap of Love was all about making everything as loud as possible and then having it all melt together.
CC: We need to know: If you were in a gladiator fight with your band members, which one of you would win and why?
JJ: Peter August would single-handedly destroy any of us in a gladiator fight. Not because he was in the Air Force and has combat training, more because his mind works like a wounded, feral animal — and that scares us. We would be defeated psychologically before the fight even began.
All questions answered by Jerry Jones of Super Snake.
Post and interview by Karen Shalev
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