Concert Crap: Your latest album Epic Tales of Human Nature just released. This is kind of a comeback album for you guys. How was it different getting this music together in comparison to music you’ve released previously?
Joe Grah: In the past we would tour non-stop and make records in between. With the new album a good portion of the record was written long distance. Toby would send me guitar riffs and I would live with them and create lyrics & melodies. Other songs were written on the spot in the studio. This was our first completely studio driven album and I think it definitely reflects in the final results. In the end it always comes down to the four of us connecting and elevating all ideas
CC: What’s something non-music related that influenced this album the most?
JG: The current state of humanity and the world that surrounds us.
CC: Are we going to be seeing a JIBE tour sometime soon?
JG: We’re in the early stages of regional tour planning right now with long-term plans to spread out far and wide.
CC: What can we expect from JIBE in the future?
JG: Lot’s of touring, a full-feature documentary, and more music.
CC: Any fun summer plans?
JG: Riding up the California coast on my motorcycle and getting back to our region for tour because every show is an uncertain journey into the great unknown.
CC: Is there anything else you’d like to add to this interview?
JG: Thank you so much for taking the time to ask these questions. We look forward to seeing each and every one of you out there…
All questions answered by Joe Grah.
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Post and interview by Karen Shalev
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