Concert Crap: You will be on the Vans Warped Tour from 6/30 to 7/5 performing on the Full Sail University stage. How are you prepping for the six shows?
Phatbeatz Steve: To prepare we are getting about 10 Taco Bell Gift Cards. We are planning on eating a ton of 5-layer burritos from Taco Bell and only drinking syrup.
CC: Is Warped Tour making you approach how you build a set differently? For example, are you building the set for Warped Tour the same way you built it when you opened for Memphis May Fire, The Word Alive, and Fire From The Gods recently?
PS: Yes we like to cater to the crowd we perform in front of, this set will be very “balls to the walls” and full of energy. We will probably omit softer and slower songs to ensure we fill our 20 minutes with nothing but hype!
CC: Why should Warped Tour attendees check out your set?
PS: Because we guarantee there will not be another band who sounds like us on the tour
CC: What are you most looking forward to doing on Warped Tour?
PS: Meeting the other bands and hopefully making new fans and friends while spreading the good word about “Bro Rap Metal.”
CC: When you look back on this experience a few years from now, what do you think you will be most proud of?
PS: Going down in history for eating the most burritos on the final cross-country Vans Warped Tour! #ForeverWarped
CC: Do you have anything else to add?
PS: Please send Taco Bell Gift Cards.
All questions answered by drummer Phatbeatz Steve.
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Post and interview by Karen Shalev
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