Hello everyone, we are Prospective from Bologna, Italy and today we’re going to give you our “Guide To Touring Italy”.
Our Favorite Venues: We started playing shows in our hometown, Bologna. The city gives you lots of beautiful venues and we’ve been fortunate enough to play most of them of the years but definitely two of the most beautiful is Spazio Eco in Casalecchio di Reno and Zona Roveri which is one of the biggest venues in town. Spazio Eco, once named Blogos, is like home for us. We played one of our very first show there and every time we get the chance to play there it’s a wave of feels. We are going to celebrate the release of our brand new album “Unreal” there on March 10th as part of this year’s Never Say Daih Fest with great bands and friends. Moving out from our city, we would probably go to a little venue on the beach called ‘Da Monstas’. Even if it’s (maybe) one of the smallest venues around it’s a beautiful place to play live. People over there are so energetic and it’s almost full of people every time. We played there last year during our ‘Beyond’ tour cycle and it was a blast!
Tips: Going out playing shows is never an easy thing to do, also if 90% of the band members have jobs. One of the most helpful tip we learned and we would like to tell everyone reading is “time”. Be prepared, book your shows months before so you have enough time to ask for holidays at work. The second tip is “backup stuff”, have your backup strings pack for every shows, enough picks, drumsticks, cables and all the necessary gear for the shows, you’ll never know. If playing miles away from home bring on Sleeping Bags. They are essential because you don’t want to act like a rockstar and you’ll sleep 99% of the times on a floor. If you have enough space in the van/car and you have an air mattress, bring them on too! Last but not least is Merch. It’s essential to have merch available at shows, they are one of the easiest ways to get extra cash for gas and toll, and if you are touring Italy you will see by yourself, tolls are expensive.
Touring Doesn’t Mean Only Playing Gigs: If you are touring Italy remember that you are in one of the most beautiful countries of the entire world and you wouldn’t miss the chance to visit the cities you’re playing to. Most of the times you will play very small towns that maybe and fortunately are located just 30/40 minutes drive from big and famous cities like Bologna, Ravenna, Milan, Venice, Rome, Pisa, Florence, Turin to name a few. Basically, you can visit the entire country and bring home magic memories from those places.
Thank you for your time reading our Guide To Touring Italy, hope you have found some interesting thing. We are Prospective from the beautiful Bologna and our brand new album ‘Unreal’ is out now.
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Post by Luca Zini
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