Alive & Well on all things San Diego, touring, and more


Concert Crap: Who is Alive & Well?

Matt Vernon: A&W is Matt Vernon – Vocals/Guitar – Mike Mule’ – Bass/Vocals – Pat Hughes – Lead Guitar – Eric Brozgold -Drums

We are a San Diego based pop-punk band that has roots from all different parts of the country and stemming from very different music scenes. We bring that diversity together while writing and packaging it with one of the most energetic live shows in the scene.

CC: What has been your highlight of 2016?

MV: The absolute highlight of this year has been our time out on the road for “The Party MonsTour” with our good friends The Montell Jordans. It was great to get out of town and play for some brand new crowds.

CC: What has been the best thing to happen to you guys as a band?

MV: I think the best thing to happen to us recently was the addition of our newest member, our lead guitarist Pat Hughes really brought our live show to another level. Finding someone to fill that specific role is difficult because they have to line up on so many different levels, they have to like a similar style of music to be able to get into it. They have to be able to write and contribute to new music while also honoring the idea of what was already put in place. Pat has done a great job of jumping in and pulling his weight and then some.

CC: Why should someone get a copy of your From Basements To Beaches EP?

MV: We hope that FBTB would be interesting to a number of different kinds of music fans: For the person in their late 20s and early 30s that was super into Blink 182, Green Day, Bayside and Alkaline Trio, they will be thrilled to hear some of the roots of what got them into punk all those years ago and even though they might have stopped searching for new music or going to as many shows, they’ll feel right at home with our EP. We hold the fun loving sprit and drunken comradery that they use to be immersed in. And for the younger crowd that is more well versed in everything from Pierce The Veil to early Fall Out Boy I think they are going to find an edge and technical aspect of our music without sacrificing the catchy chorus and big gang vocals that define current pop-punk.

And the overall message of From Basements to Beaches that I think transcends genres or age demographics is that the EP was written to encourage people to improve their place in life. Sometimes change is a terrifying thing whether it’s a change of location or the end of a relationship, people need to know that sometimes those transitions are the greatest moments of your life if you just embrace it and know that if you want it enough you can make things happen for yourself if you take the leap.

CC: Who would you like to tour with in the future?

MV: As far as peer bands go The Montell Jordans set the bar pretty high as far as tour mates go. But as we continue to grow and get more popular we hope becoming tour support for some of the bands we listen and look up to become a reality. New Found Glory, Set Your Goals, Four Year Strong, 68’, Hit The Lights, and The Wonder Years all would be an honor to share a stage with. And of course the ultimate dream would be opening for Green Day or Blink 182.

CC: What is your favorite thing about San Diego?

MV: I’ve over-romanticized a lot of Southern California but the one thing that still stays true after living here for a few years is that most the people you meet here in San Diego are trying to do something unique with their lives. It’s a city of lost boys and girls who refuse to grow up and are dedicated travelers on an unbeaten path. Where I grew up the plan for everyone was go to college, get a job, get married, have kids. It didn’t leave a lot of room for unorthodox or artistic lifestyles, San Diego is a safe haven for the strange.

CC: What does the rest of 2016 have in store for you guys?

MV: We have plans for a pretty big tour in early 2017, so the next few months will be spent planning and prepping that, writing new music, playing some 3-4 day weekend runs locally and releasing a tour documentary to give people a behind the scenes look at just how much fun we have on and off stage.

CC: Are there any final thoughts you’d like to express or anything you’d like to say to your fans?

MV: First off thank you for the interview and the opportunity to speak here. And we would like to thank and welcome all the new people that have started following and liking our pages, we’re going to work our hardest to keep good stuff coming out to you guys and we can’t wait to meet everyone as we start to hit more and more cites throughout the country. If you haven’t please pick up the new EP From Basements to Beaches it is currently free for a limited time only at or you can always find it on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music or at our merch table.

All questions answered by vocalist and guitarist Matt Vernon.

Post and interview by Corey Kleinsasser

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