Experienced Metal Publicists, Ebony Jeanette and Raquel Figlo, Team Up on Clubhouse for Monthly Discussions

1. Who are Raquel Figlo and Ebony Jeanette?
Ebony Jeanette: My bio says “Ebony Jeanette is a major force in the North American rock and metal world and has dedicated her working life to nurturing and promoting the music that she loves. Over the course of her decade on this side of the desk in the music industry, she has held posts as the in-house publicist for two of the world’s foremost extreme heavy metal record labels: Century Media Records (Sony) and Prosthetic Records. Additionally, Ebony is a singer and music journalist whose work has been featured in Music Connection Magazine, Substream Magazine, SonicBids, New Noise Magazine, and more.” I say yes to all of the above and at my core, I’m just a metalhead who loves helping other metalheads spread good and heavy music all around the world.
Raquel Figlo: Raquel Figlo doesn’t just play by the rules — she creates them. And it’s worked for the past 15 years, leveraging her industry connections.

In one phone call, Raquel can set up interviews with the hottest magazines domestically and internationally. Raquel works fast to launch a brand from awareness to influencer. Her credible and authentic partnerships are the instrumental keys to her clients’ success. The question is — how far do you want to reach?

Raquel Figlo Public Relations is an agency of creative thinkers that propel interesting brands to the next level. Raquel Figlo and her team are committed to bringing your goals and objectives to fruition with high enthusiasm and commitment. We go beyond emails and tap into the right connections, giving you the right kind of news. Through crafting a consistent story, we build you a share-worthy identity, culture, and distinguished brand voice.

Raquel Figlo and her team can do a lot. But if there’s one thing they rock at, it’s positive publicity. 

2. What types of brands, bands, and others have you worked with?

EJ: In addition to my previous roles as the in-house publicist for Century Media Records (Sony) and Prosthetic Records and Street Smart Marketing, I’ve also represented, under my own firm Ebony Jeanette PR, the following heavy metal and hard rock bands and management companies: Broken Hope, DME Management, Johnny Wore Black, Angels Cut, Lost In Atlantis, It Lies Within, Against The Grave and Anova Skyway.
Outside of the genres of Heavy Metal and Hard Rock I’ve worked with The Ohio State University Hip Hop Music Conference, Foster House Music, and Daddy-O. Full roster available at ebonyjeanette.com.
RF: RFPR is the go-to girl for music, entertainment, lifestyle brands, and cannabis.I have built a career of working with unique brands. I specialize in hard rock and heavy metal bands, which is my passion, but I also represent fashion and cannabis clients. I am the cheerleader for the clients I love in avariety of industries, but their one common denominator is they are all unique with an authentic story for me to tell.
3. Why is it good to get publicity now, rather than when the world opens up for everyone?
EJ: Media and news coverage do not stop due to a pandemic. Publicity is essential for any release or event to have trackable success. In many ways, the world has begun opening up and digital opportunities never completely shut down so it’s better to get traction now while things are on the quieter side rather than wait until there is a rush of releases and events to compete with.

RF: With so many people at home listening to podcasts, reading blogs, watching tv, and scrolling through social media, now is the time to build up brand awareness.

I utilized this time to update my website, start a monthly newsletter and reconnect with colleagues and friends.I also took time to take a break and refocus on myself and what I want moving forward.

4. What types of clients are you looking for within your space of expertise and outside as well?
EJ: Currently, EJPR is focused on curating digital heavy metal-focused events.
See EJPR’s most recent virtual concert installment: Remote Br00tality presented by EJPR and Metal Assault Records now available on YouTube.
RF: I love working with clients that are unique, who have an interesting story to tell, and aren’t afraid of being vulnerable. I like getting my clients talking, so I tend to put them on a lot of podcasts, so they get used to thinking on their toes and in front of a lot of people.
5. How did you two meet each other?
RF: WE met at an event that Ebony was putting n at Century Media. She can tell it better.
EJ: I met Raquel when she attended a Century Media press event in West Hollywood. We bonded and have always wanted to work together in some capacity and now Clubhouse has given us an opportunity and a platform to collaborate and share our experiences and advice in the world of Heavy Metal and Hard Rock Public Relations with the masses!
6. Ebony, say something you enjoy about working with Raquel. And Raquel, say something nice about working with Ebony.
EJ: Raquel has a magnetic energy and is always fun to work with, she is truly passionate about connecting with others and I really enjoy collaborating with her in our Clubhouse room!
RF: I enjoy Ebony’s professionalism and how she carries herself. I see Ebony as a confident woman. She is very smart and we just vibe really well. We both have a common goal and that is to inspire other women, especially women of color. We are super successful in our careers and we want to share with others how we got here and encourage the younger generations t to do the same. We want them to pursue their goals and dreams as we did. It was not easy, but here we are.
7. You have done one Clubhouse room recently. Why are you going live on that platform as opposed to other social media?
EJ: Clubhouse is a talking-based app that allows us to share a more authentic experience with others and discuss ideas and advice more easily without having to create text posts like you would with Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. Our Room is titled “PR Power Series” and each month we discuss different topics related to the Public Relations industry.
RF: Clubhouse is so much fun and I love it because I feel it is a platform where my expertise can shine by my words and knowledge that I share and not how I look, how many likes my posts got, or how many followers I have.
8. What types of people are you looking to have join your Clubhouse events?
RF: When Ebony and I first decided to start an event, we decided that we wanted a platform that showcased our expertise. We just want to help brands and bands with advice and how we see the music, and entertainment industries from our perspective and give real-life experiences so maybe tour listeners can learn from it. If they want a publicist after they listen to us then they can message us!
EJ: We encourage anyone who is interested in becoming a Public Relations professional to join our Clubhouse events in addition to bands, brands, and musicians who have questions about how a Publicist can take their career to the next level.
9. Why should people join your Clubhouse event?
EJ: Join us for tips, advice, share your experiences in the music industry, and to get all the questions you wish you could ask a publicist answered!
RF: We have a lot of knowledge to share and we want to help build others up in their careers.
10. How often are you going to have Clubhouse events?
EJ: Once per month we will host our “PR Power Series” room and we will discuss different topics per each installment. Our next event will be April 20, 2021 at 8 pm PST on Clubhouse. In this installment, we will discuss all things cannabis related public relations and share tips on how to get sponsorships for bands, brands, and events. Follow @ebonyjeanette and @raquelfiglo on Clubhouse to be notified of our events.
RF: Prior to every Clubhouse event, Ebony and I will go live two weeks before and on IG live to promote the Clubhouse event.
11. Why should people care about Raquel Figlo and Ebony Jeanette?
EJ: If you care about increasing your credibility within a given industry and increasing your overall reputation and impact then you should care about the expertise that both Ebony Jeanette and Raquel Figlo can respectively bring to the table to maximize your reach.

RF: Ebony and I are relatable. If you are a young woman or man of color and you want to get inspired by two professionals that are women and of color who paved their own way into this very competitive industry, then you are in for a treat.

We are here to inspire, to speak the truth and we hope our words will be enough to motivate the next generation to pursue their dreams and have the confidence to do so.

12. Anything else?

EJ: Just to reiterate – The next installment of our Clubhouse room: PR Power Series will take place April 20, 2021, at 8 pm PST only on the Clubhouse App. We will discuss all things Cannabis related Public Relations and share tips on how to get Sponsorships for Bands, Brands, and Events. Follow Ebony @ebonyjeanette and @raquelfiglo on Clubhouse to be notified of our events. Be sure to add us on Instagram too! Ebony’s IG is @ebony.jeanette, Raquel’s Instagram is: @raquelmaiden To learn more about Heavy Metal Publicist Ebony Jeanette visit ebonyjeanette.com To learn more about Entertainment and Cannabis Publicist Raquel Figlo visit raquelfiglo.com
RF: Our next Clubhouse will be on April 20th at 8 pm PST. We will be discussing publicity; endorsement deals, and of course CANNABIS!
Follow Ebony Jeanette PR
Follow Raquel Figlo PR

Post and interview by Corey Kleinsasser




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