Interview: Havoc Faction Discusses Comics, Single “Crossfire” and the Man Behind the Mask

Concert Crap: Tell us about Havoc Faction?

Kyle Rutchland: Havoc Faction is basically a mix of my favorite rock genres rolled up into one band: Emo, Post-Hardcore, and Hard Rock. I came up with the initial concept idea for HF in late 2016. I wrote, recorded, and released my first song, Keyboard Warriors, just before the year ended. I recruited bandmates in 2017 which is when we wrote and recorded the “Welcome To The Fight” EP (later released in 2018 and then re-released in 2020). The last show I played was in 2019 with my former line up. I’ve basically been solo again working on the project while also trying to recruit new faction members. “Crossfire” is my newest original song that I’m really excited to share. I released it in April of this year to very positive reviews and responses. I, eventually found some new members that I’ve been training and hoping to announce the new lineup soon.

CC: You debuted the EP, “Welcome to the Fight” during the 2020 pandemic if I am correct? 

KR: Technically it was originally released in 2018 but I did a “reissue” of it with some bonus tracks in February of 2020 because I had a better marketing budget (laughs). But yeah, it was just before the pandemic actually hit the United States.

CC: Do you feel your music made a positive contribution in such a devastating time or did you, at any time, face backlash for releasing music while we were in isolation? 

KR: I’d like to believe it made a contribution especially being a post-apocalyptic themed record (artistically, thematically and lyrically). I actually did have some fans and friends say that the EP definitely matched their mood when facing such an unforeseen event. 

CC: “Dark Passenger” is my favorite song and I know you did have a new release, “Crossfire.” As a comic book fan, I was extremely eager for the video release since you have sort of a hero-like alter-ego. I will be real with you, the video for “Crossfire” gives off DC vibes or better, Frank Miller’s Sin City. So the question is, is Havoc Faction a hero, anti-hero or a villain? 

KR: I really love this question because I really plan to explore the theme of “one person’s hero is another person’s villain”. Like, what makes someone a hero and what makes someone a villain? For example, to Outerhaven Backdraft and HF are their protectors, but to Unity City their media paints them like potential terrorists. 

CC: Speaking of comics, name your top 5 favorite comic book characters of all time? Anything from The Punisher to Polka-Dot Man.

KR: Nightwing, Spider-man, Superboy, Silver Surfer, and Cyclops.

CC: Top 5 influential bands?

KR: Thrice, Killswitch Engage, Story of The Year, Fightstar, and Starset.

CC: Top 5 things we need to know about Havoc Faction and why we need to listen to “Crossfire “ right now?

KR: Oh boy (chuckles) lets see…well I’d say for one, you for sure need to watch the video for Crossfire because it sets up what’s to come next in the story. Two: the song is definitely meant for those who feel caught in the middle and feel alone in a quickly changing world. Three: this song was kind of my “Hail Mary”. If it didn’t get a big response or couldn’t meet my expectations then I’d probably give up on music completely but luckily, here I am (laughs). Four: There’s really nothing else like Havoc Faction so your support means everything to what we’re trying to accomplish. And five: because it rips!

CC: Anything else you would like to share with Concert Crap such as touring or side projects?

KR: Well, we’re hoping to play a show soon, aiming for November because hopefully by then things will calm down but we’ll see. Either way, we’re working on new music that I’m really excited about and I’ll be releasing new story elements on the band’s Instagram soon so be sure to follow us to keep up to date with the world of HF @havoc_faction. Thank you Concert Crap for this great interview! 

You can follow Havoc Faction on Instagram | Facebook | Spotify | YouTube

Post and interview by Christine Rios




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About Christine Rios 40 Articles
I am a music journalist and content creator for Concert Crap since early 2020. My music palette expands from Motown era to modern rock. I enjoy watching panchromatic films or visiting a comic book store on my off time. Currently, I'm majoring in English/Journalism and teach writing courses at a youth center.

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